Personal info

Marta LÓPEZ IZQUIERDO, Agrégation in Spanish, currently Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Linguistics in the Department of Hispanic and Hispanic-American Studies, Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, statutory member of the laboratory Études Romanes at the university (EA 4385). She is a member of the « Conseil Scientifique » of the University Paris 8 et member of the Jury of Capes (Spanish).

She teaches diachronic linguistics and linguistic changes, linguistic variations (in America and in Spain), linguistics as applied to CAPES and agrégation. She taught in 2007 as invited professor at the University of California (Spanish and Portuguese Department, UCSB) and has been invited as lecturer at the ENS of Lyon in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
Her research is concerned with linguistics changes during medieval period in a sociolinguistic historical perspective. She is interested in changes during 15th century. She co-edited  the book Modelos Latinos en Castilla en la Edad Media, Madrid/Frankfurt Iberoamericana-Vertvuert (publication planned beginning of 2010), the number 7 of the journal Pandora, dedicated to Répertoire(s),and has written many articles about modalities, links between oral language and written language in medieval Spanish. She was responsible for the number 5 of the Aliento collection (the Proverbia Senecae European tradition starting with the Latin origin (fragments of  Publilius Syrus’ mimes) up to the Medieval vernacular version and beyond.

Involvement in the project

Encoding of Pseudo-Seneca, collection of proverbs from the 15th century.

Publications related to the projet

– Electronic edition of the collection of bilingual proverbs (Medieval latin/castillan) Proverbios de Séneca: it is a paralell edition which will  édition parallèle, allowing access to the different versions of the collection still preserved (12 manuscripts and 12 printed texts before 1550, 3 of them being incunables). The purpose will allow the study of the sapiential material variability through the textual transmission and translation processes. The access to the edition will be progressive in 2013, and the study should be finalized for 2014.
Publications related to the project
(Forthcoming) Modelos latinos en Castilla en la Edad Media, [Actes du Colloque “Modèles latins en Castille au Moyen Âge”, Lyon, ENS-LSH, 2007), éd. en collaboration avec Mónica Castillo Lluch, Madrid / Frankfurt Iberoamericana/Vertvuert
« Lengua y poder en los textos jurídicos castellanos del s. XIII: de los Fueros municipales al  Fuero Real alfonsino », dans Raúl Caplán, Marie-Lucie Copete et Isabelle Reck (coord.), Univers répressifs, péninsule ibérique et Amérique latine, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2002, pp. 259 – 269 (Actes du Colloque Univers répressifs, péninsule ibérique et Amérique latine, Université Nancy 2, les 21 et 22 mai 1999)
“Proverbios de Séneca : la traduction castillane de Pero Díaz de Toledo”, Revue Aliento, Marie-Sol Ortola coord., Nancy, PUN, 2011, p. 137-158