BODI Daniel (PU – Paris 4)

Personal info

Daniel BODI
In 1983, he obtained a first doctorate at the University of Protestant theology (University of Strasbourg) in his field of specialization, the Hebrew Bible. His thesis titled “Les récits des guerres de Yahvé” (Literal criticism, tradition history, structural analysis of 27 texts from the Hebrew Bible). In 1988, he received a PhD from the New-York Union Theological Seminary for his dissertation untitled: Terminological and Thematic Comparisons between the Book of Ezekiel and Akkadian Literature with Special Reference to the Poem of Erra. In 1996, he obtained at the University of Paris 4 – Sorbonne, Department of religious Studies, the “Habilitation à diriger des Recherches: “La poétique du livre d’Ezechiel: philologie, herméneutique analogique et histoire des traditions”. He has been Associate Professor (MCF HDR) of Hebrew and Aramaic languages and literatures at the INALCO and member of CERMOM (Mediterranean Middle-East Research Center – EA 4091).

He is a Full Professor at University Paris IV Sorbonne.

He has published many works including “Une locution proverbiale à Mari, El-Amarna et dans la Bible”, Journal Asiatique 29, 2006, p.39-52 (Proceedings from the conference organized by the College de France and the Société Asiatique, Paris – May 26th-27th, 2005); “A Biblical Aramaic Hapax Legomenon yahîtû (Ezra 4:12) in the Light of Akkadian and Aramaic Texts”, Transeuphratène 34, 2007, p. 51-63; “Les problèmes de la version grecque du livre d’Ezéchiel”, Semitica 52-53 (2005-2007), p.57-81, (Paris, Collège de France).
His research on the Old Testament and his culture of Aramaic wisdom literature explain his participation in the ALIENTO project.

Involvement in the project

He is in charge of the encoding of the Aḥiqar’s Aramaic Proverbs from the Porten B., and Yardeni, A. edition, Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, 1993 (vol. 3, Literary texts).

Publications related to the projet

– Jérusalem à l’époque perse, Paris, P.GEUTHNER; 2002, 2006 (2nd edition), 320p.
– The Michal Affair, From ZIMRI-Lim to the Rabbis, Sheffield, heffield Phoenix Press, 2005, 169p.
Ezekiel, Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, The Book of Ezekiel, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan, 2009
– The Demise of the Warlord: A New Look at the David Story, Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2010, 270 p.
Israël à l’ombre des Babyloniens et des Perses, Collection de l’Université de Strasbourg,  Études d’archéologie et d’histoire ancienne, Paris, de Boccard, 2010, 317 p.