NAVARRO David (Associate Professor – Texas State University, San Marcos)

Personal Information [anglais]

David Navarro holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies (2013), and works as an Associate Professor of medieval Iberia at the Texas State University since 2014. His research interests include medieval Iberian literature and historiography; biblical exegesis; Jewish-Christian relations in the Iberian kingdoms; proverbial compilations; and Sephardic diaspora.

Involvement in the Project

English edition and encoding of the Catalan proverbial text by Jafudà Bonsenyor, Llibre de paraules e dits de savis e filòsofs (c. 1295).

Publications Related to the Project

“Diálogo interreligioso en los reinos hispánicos: Shem Tov ibn Isaac Ardutiel de Carrión (1290-1369) y Jafudà Bonsenyor (1250-1331).” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 40. 1 (2016): 113-140.