ORTOLA Marie-Sol

Personal info

Marie-Sol ORTOLA obtained a master at the University of Limoges (1968-1972) and a PhD at Brown University, United States (1981). Since 1997, she is full professor at the University of Lorraine where she teaches Spanish language, literature and civilization. She is specialised in medieval and 16th century prose literature and has written mainly about an anonymous dialogue from the 16th century known as Viaje de Turquía and has published a critical edition of this work (Castalia erudición, Madrid, 2000, 987p.). She was lab. Director of the research team specialised in 16th-17th centuries (2003-2007) and director of EA 3465 ROMANIA (2008-2013) and in charge of the publication: Les Cahiers de Romania. She was in charge of the publication: Europe XVI-XVII (2003-2007). Currently, she is Associate Director of the new laboratory LIS (Littératures, Imaginaire, Sociétés). She is a member of the editorial board of Europe XVI-XVII since its creation in 1991. From 2005 to 2009, she was a member of the Consejo Editorial de la Revista de la Nueva Bibioteca de Erudición y Crítica (NBEC). She had many administrative responsibilities (director of the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, co-director of the UFR Langues et  Cultures Étrangères) and educational responsibilities(in charge of diplomas, and  the master’s degree until 2009). In 2008, the ALIENTO Project is launched in close collaboration with Marie-Christine Bornes Varol (INALCO). She is the author of two books and many articles published mainly in North America.

Involvement in the project

Coordination (with Marie-Christine Bornes Varol) of the ALIENTO Project; and she is in charge of the Spanish medieval corpus. Responsible of the ALIENTO collection (launched in 2009). Bocados de oro encoding (13th C.).

Publications related to the projet

-éd., Corpus, Genres, Théories et Méthodes : Construction d’une base de données, Aliento. Échanges sapientiels en Méditerranée, No.1, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2010, 269p.

-éd. Corpus anciens et Bases de données, Aliento. Échanges sapientiels en Méditerranée, No.2, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2011, 348p

-éd. Énoncés sapientiels et littérature exemplaire : une intertextualité complexe, Aliento. Échanges sapientiels en Méditerranée, No. 3, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2013 (sous presse)
« Relations entre hommes et femmes – un Pedro entr’ellas : le Refranero du XVIe siècle et le Viaje de Turquía » in Figures de femmes (Hommage à Jacqueline Ferreras), Thomas Gomez (Éd.), Nanterre, Publications du C.R.I.I.A., Centre de Recherches Ibériques et Ibéro-Américaines de l’Université Paris X – Nanterre, 2003, p.247-282

-« ‘De chica centella nace gran fuego’ ou comment un énoncé sapientiel bref devient proverbe » in Horizons Maghrébins-Le droit à la mémoire (Toulouse Le-Mirail), 25e année, n° 69 (2009), p. 31-48 (en collaboration avec  Marie-Christine Bornes Varol)

-« Specific polysemy of the brief sapiential units (en collaboration avec Marie-Christine Bornes Varol et Jean-Daniel Gronoff), Informatik 2010, Service Science – Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik (27.09 – 01. 10. 2010, Leipzig), vol. 2, Bonn, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2010, p. 559-565

-« Aliento: un proyecto colaborativo de análisis lingüístico intercultural de enunciados sapienciales y de su transmisión de Oriente a Occidente y de Occidente a Oriente » (en col. Marie-Christine Bornes Varol), Vol. II Medieval (éd. Aviva Garribba), Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del cincuentenario de la AIH, 8 vols., Rome, Bagatto Libri, 2012, p. 399-406

-« Aliento : un projet de recherche transdisciplinaire sur les proverbes », Les proverbes dans L’Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles : Réalités et représentations (Colloque International (Nancy, 17-18-19 novembre 2011), Nancy, Europe XVI-XVII – ROMANIA (sous presse)